Monday, July 29, 2013



Opening curtain speech, language spoken mother meant that passed through generations. Through language and speech is the word we can assess an individual or community. Language is also open something static, meaning that language can always be changed over colony occupying an area. There will be born rojak language spoken and understood by all people who live in the same cluster despite different blood and descent.

Cocos Malay community or the Cocos People separated from the outside world since they were at work and staying in Keeling Cocos Islands, Indian Ocean since 1884 again. Religious and Malay cord into the retention fortress customs and traditions despite mixing various Malay descent from all over the archipelago (Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei). Malay speech or language daily conversation eventually become rojak Malay or mixed. Traders influence baba nyonya descent in Malacca and Java, making the word 'cave' and 'lu' as the words' I 'and' you '. Interestingly after 60 years of ethnic Cocos Malay community in the ground state, the simple word' cave 'and' lu 'is still the backbone of everyday conversation.

Despite the use of the word lu cave and earlier, use only converse in peer age group. The use of 'cave' will turn the word 'I' when communicating with older people as a sign of respect.

Young Malay language used as an intermediate language. In the past, the word is very less remuneration but given the current development of Malay language, the compensation also increased in speech. Speech or verbal pronunciation of the language is not the same correspondence. Dilek sway slightly different sounds. For example, in Malay literature, the word will be called the river the river, but in the words of Cocos Malay language called sebagi sungik river or Sungi.

Cocos Malay dialect sounds like Singapore, Malacca or Batavia speak. However, there are also English words were dicocoskan. For example, the word blue or blue, as pumping dipertuturan meaning bluish. Use sentences such as, "His lips pumping wak lu ni ari?" which means "how are you today lips pale bluish?".

"Blab-blab also my wak, stomach keroncong", meaning, "while we chat chat but also to be filled because of stomach hunger". It's nice for people Cocos membicaraan oral language as laden with the spirit and sounds good ear.

Sembangnya stop here first, because his stomach is sound. Remembered what my mother, "do not eat until satiated in when, later had to hug pendaring

Elders always say, "liberality travel far." This proverb encourages us all to explore this transient world without us forget our origins. Indeed, the language indicates the race, because language is a linguafrangka for us to recognize and explore the cultural customs, socio-ekomomi even holding or religious affiliations of individuals or communities.

Talking about race and customs, this blog is built on the recognition that we must recognize our cultural background, as is the culture that will shape the strength of unity in IMalaysia. Cord cultures and customs of various makes us Malaysians of ethnic 215 more united and mutual respect.

In addition, this blog was born as well as want to highlight the tribe or people Cocos / Kokos including the origin, customs and unique socio-cultural belonging. Perhaps, the Cocos popolariti hovering in Sabah but less in the peninsula and Sarawak. Many people ask this Cocos actually the person or people who came from where and how the natives of Sabah can become a country?

Actually, The Cocos Malays are descendants around the Malay archipelago. Why do people say the Cocos Malay people? Language, way of life and there are traditions, even religion of Islam, although there is little difference from the customs and culture if refined micro. The root, in each of the Malay have its own niche that can be treasured and passed on. Indeed The high Cocos and its rich heritage.

The site will also revolve through knowledge and my experience as a child Cocos Malay descent. Elders always say, if you want to know the house has many virgin, look at his site. If many plants flower, certainly many are girls in the house. Easy going up spy newspapers.

Talk about spy newspapers, how to recognize people Cocos, we will tells in other episodes. It is still remembered as a child my mother first order, "do not wake up after sleep if someone else had come in England". Order it means, all acts should be no limitations and will make us backward kealfaan berbading others. Mother's orders to this day I remember because I do not want to be equated with the old Malay poem which reads "" tall as the sun, his dead tethered buffalo ".

pakaian perkahwinan suku kaum kokos

tarian dansa & melenggok

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