Monday, July 29, 2013


                             Pesta Rumbia

Kuala Penyu, approximately 2 hours drive from Kota Kinabalu city celebrates this special event every year. 

Rumbia or sago comes from the family of palmae. It is mostly found in Kuala Penyu and the surrounding 

districts of Beaufort and Papar. The starch or sago that is rich in carbohydrate is an alternative staple food 

for the Bisayas and Kadazan (Dusun Tatana) people and is locally known as "ambuyut".

No part of the sago palm is discarded. The locals use the leaves as roofing materials and the branches 

(known locally as kumbar) for making their house's walls. Floor mats and baskets are just some examples of 

things made entirely from the plant. 

A rumbia information center is located at Kampung Kasugira in Kuala Penyu and it also provides displays of 

sago and its uses, handicrafts as well as demonstrations of sago delicacies.

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