Monday, July 29, 2013


                                            Bajau Traditional Food

Kima is the name of a type of sea shells and are found in several species, including lapiran, clams bohe 'and sollot-sollot (small and squeeze in between the rock surface). Clams used in traditional food dishes Bajau people. Clams can be eaten raw (inta ') after sliced ​​or cut in small and mixed with lime juice and pepper and other spices according to taste the food. It can also be cooked with vegetables. There are also clams are dried in the sun and it's usually cooked with vegetables.

Sagol / Senagol

Sagol / Senagol means juggling. Sagol / Senagol also has the meaning of 'mixed thing'. In particular it refers to a kind of traditional dishes using fish meat (usually stingrays, sharks and puffer fish, the fish generally have a big heart), chopped-chopped and cooked with saffron. To make sagol, sharks, stingrays or blanched first blow up easy clean 'langnges' the rough layer of the skin sharks and rays, or 'iting' the 'thorn' in puffer fish. Blanching (boiled half cooked) also performed to facilitate the fish crushed and mixed with turmeric that has been crushed.

There are two types of cooking sagol / senagol the sagol / senagol dry (no gravy) and sagol / senagol wet (with gravy). To get a real sense sagol / senagol, usually do not use edible oils but use disagol fish liver oil, that is, whether the stingray liver oil or shark liver oil or fish liver oil swelled.


Food in the form of grated tapioca and water then wrung steam cooked. Typically, Putu eaten with Sagol, clams, Tehek-tehek, Tayum and several other Bajau Traditional food (usually seafood)

Tompe '/ Tinompeh

Food in the form of grated tapioca and wrung the water. It is then fried without oil in the pan, until yellowish.

In general, the Bajau traditional food is seafood and tubers and other upland crops. Food traditions of the Bajau can be divided into two main types of cooked foods and foods that are eaten raw (inta'an). Food is cooked whether stewed, roasted, baked and grilled. Typically, intaan (raw food) consists of seafood such as 'ballog-ballog', 'bantunan', tehe'-Tehe ', tayum, luster, Balat or sea cucumber, lato', clams, Tehe-Tehe kabboggan or boiled white rice to fill the shell Tehe Tehe Tehe-Tehe and others.

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